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Our mission is to create events and partner with programs that will produce opportunities, educate, encourage, and develop the next generation of leaders.  Our academy will be a resource for underprivileged families to find help, hope and development.


The key agenda this program proposes, is to invoke change in our middle school, high school and college students.  The Unlocked Academy will be a continual support to the community to provide a cycle of homegrown leadership among men and women.  The Unlocked leadership team will consist of professionals that have an infectious passion to empower and educate the youth.  We will stress life-skills, such as: accountability, responsibility, discipline and respect.  We will teach our youth to pursue excellence in every activity that they are afforded to experience.


Our Unlocked program was given to Pastor Washington by God, to create opportunities for our future leaders.  Throughout Pastor Washington's childhood, he remembers being constrained mentally by various socio-economic factors and visually seeing peers and family members in immoral situations.  Eventually he fell into the same trap, with only the passion of football to push him to pursue a college education. Along the way, there were several people who unlocked his way of the thinking, to inspire him to achieve more, strive for more and believe for greater.  Pastor Washington was the first of his immediate family to graduate from a four year University and to earn a Master's Degree.  He believes that one word, one opportunity or one experience, can unlock the mind of our posterity.

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